These are great hooks that can help you to go viral. All for FREE below

  1. Can I share a secret?

2. Unpopular Opinion…

3. Hack you never knew

4. What I wish I had done differently

5. How I went from…to…

6. Don’t start your day without

7.You need This

8. Stop Scrolling!

9. We need to talk about…

10. This one is for ___

11. Hear me out…

12. Quick Reminder!

13. Did you know that…

14. Why are there not more people talking about

15. How to ___ FOR FREE

16. (niche topic) Tips I wish I knew earlier

17. You need to watch this if you struggle with…

18. Instead of doing this…

19. 3 challenging lessons I discovered

20. 5 actions you can do right now to improve

21. Stop using ____

22. Don’t start your morning without doing this…

23. 7 Tools/Apps you use in your business

24. The secret to…

25. You’re doing this wrong…

26. Wait till the end

27. I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again…

28. If you want to achieve ___, keep reading


30. Fun Fact

31. Don’t read the caption,if you don’t want to.

32. You need to hear this today.

33. Here’s the 1st episode of ‘I made a mistake so you don’t have to’

34. True or False…

35. Calling All ___

36. Before you ___ WATCH THIS

37. 10 Ideas for ___

38. 3 Ways ___ changed my life

39. Busting 3 Myths about ___(insert niche)

40. 3 Mistakes you’re making in ___

41. My biggest secret on how to___

42. Spilling the tea on___

43. Instead of buying this, buy this!

44. This may be controversial but …

45. Come with me to do ___

46. Do you have problems with ___ Well I just found the perfect solution!

47. You don’t want to miss this!

48. Follow this step-by-step process to succesfully ___

49. This hack will save hours on ___

50. Red flags to look for in ___

51. If you’re doing this you’re making a huge mistake!

52. Are you tired of ___? Try this!

53. This FREE tool is a game changer!

54. Here are 3 signs you should ___

55. This one simple mistake could be costing you…

56. Here’s my go-to___ for ____

57. The BEST ___ I’ve ever used

58. I tried every ___ so you don’t have to

59. 5 Things you can do right now to improve ___

60. You need this free tool for ___

61. This is why your ___ isn’t working!

62. This hack changed my life

63. Once I learned this is completely changed

64. Come __ with me!

65. How to ___ in a flash!

66. Don’t make this common mistake

67. The easiest way to ___

68. Ever catch yourself ___? Here’s what you can do instead

69. Here is something they don’t tell you as a ___ (drop some advice for your audience)

70. Picture this: You’re ___ and then ___ happens.

(Fostering inspiration by story telling)

71. How I ___ as a ___

72. You need this if you’re a ___

73. The only ___ I use for ___

74. My favourite ___ as s ___

75. Confession! We/I Failed.

76. First look at ___ did I make the right choice?

77. You’ll never guess what we decided to do

78. Calling all___ this is the launch we’ve been waiting for

79. I can only keep 1, which one would you choose?

80. How to create ___ like a PRO

81. The top 3 secrets to more ___ in 2024

82. The top 5 surprising benefits of ___

83. If you’re a ___ stop scrolling now!

84. Get ___ results in ___ steps (send to caption)

85. I heard this quote the other day…

86. Five questions to ask yourself if you struggle with ___

87. 5 ways to ___

88. 9 tools for ___

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