How to gain your first 300 followers on Facebook even when your FB account is brand new

This method will help you gain a lot of followers. Let me know how it goes for you.

Facebook has just released a new feature which is a bit annoying.

If you send a friend request to a complete stranger, 50% of the time it won’t allow you to do so. However, after you gain your first 500-1000 friends, it will be much easier since now you have mutual friends. But how can you do that?

The magic here is you need to get people actively add you as a friend. I’ll tell you a secret here.

When I first got started, I wanted to look for a business so I joined some groups and post questions like:

“Hi there any business opportunities under $100 to join? Thanks”

“Hi I’m new to this group, can you recommend a legit biz opp? Thanks?”

There were many messages in my inbox & they shared their biz with me. They also sent me a tons of request. And that is my AH HA moment! Try it and see it for yourself and let me know how it works for you. Nowadays you can see most people ON FACEBOOK have a business with something to promote. They’re always looking for prospects and approach anyone who can potentially join their business.

In the beginning if you don’t have any followers, you can start by being a prospect. Don’t get me wrong. I do it all the time. It’s not for playing with them. It’s for real. I am a potential customer if their products/system is TRULY good to promote. Have a vision in the long term you will promote many products once you get success with one product, and especially after you grow a number of following it will be much easier. I would suggest you do not optimize your profile at first, keep it simple just like a person who doesn’t have a business, especially when you have less than 300 followers.

They will also share with your their biz opp, you can register and join as many groups of like minded people who’re also love making money online as possible.

Also, do you know the fact that 90% of them will not be consistent and staying focused at all, they join programs after programs, ending up losing a lot of money? You are determined and make sure you focus on one product first. You are different. Once people see you gain success, they become your prospects and potentially YOUR CUSTOMERS! Yay!

You see how simply yet powerful this strategies is?

Question: what you chat with them?

Our goal here is to build connection, to let them to know you. You can check their products but don’t get FOMO. Talk to them about their business and you might learn the way they chat too. You can end by saying this might not something you’re looking for at the moment. You don’t have to reply them right away, just do it at your own pace when you have time.

I would suggest you post 4-5 groups (ONE TIME) a week for 1 month. Come up with different post but the bottom line is you’re looking for a business to join.


Here are the list of keywords for you to find Facebook groups to join.

make money online

affiliate marketing

homebased business

side hustle for moms/dads

moms & dads working from home

work from home

work at home


You can check the pictures below for the reference of the types of posts to post. There are so many more. Paying attention to these types of post and you’ll have more ideas.

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